Thursday, February 16, 2012

Papaya, Pawpaw - Esi

The papaya can be used both raw and ripe. When it's raw, use it like a vegetable in pickles, salads and savoury dishes. When it's cooked it tastes a lot like squash. Green papaya is also a wonderful meat tenderiser so use it to soften up steaks for the grill, but reserve the tenderising marinade and cook that up too, because it will be extra flavourful from the meat. 

If you have ripe papayas, the subtle sweetness of the fruit is perfect for desserts and drinks, or eat them as nature intended, au naturel (the fruit, not you!).  

And here are two interesting facts that only the real kuabacks know: If you get bitten by a mosquito - high chance of that in Samoa - then use the white sap of the raw papaya (white stuff just under the skin) to reduce the itch. To stop getting bitten in the first place, just burn some papaya leaves - mosquitos hate the smell.

Happy cooking everyone!


  1. Whenever we go to Hawaii for a visit we PIG OUT on papayas. So wish I could grow them where we live but the snow....the snow!

  2. Your wonderful photos make my mouth water! Keep up the good work. ;o)

  3. Ive been searching for someone who knows how to maje Supo Esi. Can you upload a video of how to make Supo Esi. Thank you.
